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Vibration measurement technology
Vibration meters and accessories direct from the manufacturer
SEMEX-EngCon offers solutions for measuring vibration immissions, i.e. the impact of vibrations on people and buildings in accordance with DIN 45669. Due to regional differences in geology, infrastructure, culture, as well as technical and legal requirements, different limit values and criteria are defined for assessment.
Vibrations are characterized by a variety of parameters that can also change dynamically over an observation period (exposure time). Vibration displacement (deflection/deformation), vibration velocity (speed) and vibration acceleration are measurable variables that can be recorded using suitable sensors and used for evaluation and assessment.
In building dynamics, structural dynamics and serviceability, the measurement of vibration velocity in particular has established itself as a suitable parameter, as it is directly related to the kinetic energy and modal stress to which a structure is exposed. It is usually converted into a measurable electrical voltage using a geophone and digitized for further processing.

Vibration measuring device MENHIR

Remote access for device management and evaluation
The cloud-based SEDRIX application is ideal for unconstrained and highly secured remote access to all connected MENHIR devices and MENHIR networks. Analysis and visualization of acquired data in compliance with applicable standards allow for fast conclusion of the vibration impact. Report templates provide automatic generation of tailored reports to dedicated stakeholders.

METRIS Application for data analysis

Vibration sensors
- Geophones (Velocity)
- MEMS (Acceleration)
- FBA (Acceleration)

Accessories for vibration measuring devices

Rental of vibration measuring devices
Standards and guidelines for the assessment of vibration immissions
A number of standards and directives are based on the assessment of various characteristic values of the measured vibration velocity. The following regulations are supported by SEMEX-EngCon:
Region | Standard | Content |
D | DIN 4150-2 | Erschütterungen im Bauwesen – Einwirkungen auf Menschen in Gebäuden |
D | DIN 4150-3 | Erschütterungen im Bauwesen – Einwirkungen auf bauliche Anlagen |
D | VDI 2038 | Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Bauwerken bei dynamischen Einwirkungen |
D | DIN 45672 | Schwingungsmessung an Schienenverkehrswegen |
D | RIL 80.2050 | Erschütterungen und sekundärer Luftschall |
CH | VSS 40 312 | Erschütterungseinwirkungen auf Bauwerke |
A | ÖNORM S9020 | Erschütterungsschutz von unter- und oberirdischen Anlagen |
NL | SBR-A | Schade aan Bouwwerken |
NL | SBR-B | Hinder voor personen in gebouwen |
F | Circulaire `86 | Vibrations mécaniques émises dans l'environnement par les installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement |
UK | BS 7385 | UK BS 7385 Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings |
I | UNI 9916 | Criteri di misura e valutazione degli effetti delle vibrazioni sugli edifici |
International | Vibration Criteria | Kriterien zur Gebrauchstauglichkeit |
Vibration acceleration is the preferred measurement in some vibration applications. Vibration acceleration allows a more differentiated assessment of human perception (e.g. sensory threshold or wake threshold). Several technologies are available for this purpose. SEMEX-EngCon uses MEMS acceleration sensors.
The following standards and guidelines, based on the assessment of various vibration acceleration parameters, are supported by SEMEX-EngCon:
Region | Standard | Content |
A | ÖNORM S9012 | Beurteilung der Einwirkung von Schwingungsimmissionen des landgebundenen Verkehrs auf den Menschen in Gebäuden |
International | ISO 2631 | Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration |
Due to the fundamental low-frequency limitations of a geophone, acceleration sensors are preferred for large structures, such as towers, high-rise buildings, bridges, dams, wind turbines, etc., so that vibrations below 1 Hz can be reliably measured. The dynamic properties of these critical structures are often described using so-called response spectra. Such critical structures are not only exposed to natural vibrations (ground movements, earthquakes), but can also induce vibrations themselves, which are perceived as unpleasant in the surroundings or have a critical effect on other structures.
Induced vibrations are also playing an increasingly important role in the production of renewable energy. For example, induced vibrations can be measured in geothermal energy and wind power and have sometimes led to noticeable tremors. In order to maintain acceptance in the neighbouring communities, work processes are accompanied and, if necessary, controlled by vibration monitoring.

76275 Ettlingen, Germany
+49 7243 5148254